APA Style
Neff, Miriam. (2017).
Not alone: 11 inspiring stories of courageous widows from the Bible .
New Jersey:
Regnery Faith.
Chicago Style
Neff, Miriam.
Not alone: 11 inspiring stories of courageous widows from the Bible.
New Jersey:
Regnery Faith,
Buku SMP Athalia.
MLA Style
Neff, Miriam.
Not alone: 11 inspiring stories of courageous widows from the Bible.
New Jersey:
Regnery Faith,
Buku SMP Athalia.
Turabian Style
Neff, Miriam.
Not alone: 11 inspiring stories of courageous widows from the Bible.
New Jersey:
Regnery Faith,
Buku SMP Athalia.