APA Style
Housel, Morgan. (2024).
The Psychology of Money (cet. 8).
Tangerang Selatan:
PT Bentara Aksara Cahaya.
Chicago Style
Housel, Morgan.
The Psychology of Money.
cet. 8
Tangerang Selatan:
PT Bentara Aksara Cahaya,
Buku SMA Athalia.
MLA Style
Housel, Morgan.
The Psychology of Money.
cet. 8
Tangerang Selatan:
PT Bentara Aksara Cahaya,
Buku SMA Athalia.
Turabian Style
Housel, Morgan.
The Psychology of Money.
cet. 8
Tangerang Selatan:
PT Bentara Aksara Cahaya,
Buku SMA Athalia.