APA Style
Redmond, Shirley Raye. (2004).
The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs (cet. 1).
New York:
Aladin Paperback.
Chicago Style
Redmond, Shirley Raye.
The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs.
cet. 1
New York:
Aladin Paperback,
Buku SMP Athalia.
MLA Style
Redmond, Shirley Raye.
The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs.
cet. 1
New York:
Aladin Paperback,
Buku SMP Athalia.
Turabian Style
Redmond, Shirley Raye.
The Dog That Dug For Dinosaurs.
cet. 1
New York:
Aladin Paperback,
Buku SMP Athalia.