Masih jarang buku yang membahas masalah konflik antarsaudara kandung. Padahal, masalah tersebut sudah umum terjadi, bahkan bisa menimbulkan masalah yang lebih rumit lagi. Kenyataan yang ada, masih …
Komik ini menceritakan kisah Elia yang dipilih Tuhan sebagai nabi-Nya untuk mengembalikan iman kepercayaan bangsa Israel kepada Tuhan. Teladanilah keteguhan Elia melawan para penyembah berhala. Den…
Komik ini menceritakan kisah Elia yang dipilih Tuhan sebagai nabi-Nya untuk mengembalikan iman kepercayaan bangsa Israel kepada Tuhan. Teladanilah keteguhan Elia melawan para penyembah berhala. Den…
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully levelled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they nee…
Rachel can't believe she has to give up her Saturdays to scrubbing other people's toilets. So. Gross. But she kinda, sorta stole $287.22 from her college fund that she's got to pay back ASAP or her…
My nephew Benjamin and I took a trip to Rome to learn more about its history. While in line to tour the Colosseum, we learned that it was being haunted! There had been loud noises, strange sounds, …
It was spring in new mouse city! I love to celebrate the season with my fellow mice by exchanging chocolate eggs and competing in confectionary challenge. This year, there was also a special pricel…