A diamond necklace is stolen form a museum. Everyone who works at the museum could be guilty. But who really took the necklace, and why? Paul, a young student, helps the police find the thief.
Kino finds a large pearl, which he thinks will save his family from poverty. But the pearl is what they think they want instead of what they need. This misfortune it brings changes the life of the …
"You're a brave man, but I am afraid for you,' says Lady Marian to Robin of Locksley. She is afraid because Robin doesn't like Prince John's new taxes and wants to do something for the poor people …
How much do you know about the Wild West? What do you know about cowboys and Indians, about wagon trails and gunfights? Inside this book you will find the true story of the Wild West, and some of …
Iris dan Noah, dua orang Amerika yang hidupnya terbentuk oleh orang-orang Vietnam, pada masa setelah negeri eksotis itu porak poranda pascaperang, bahu membahu membuka sekolah anak-anak jalanan; hi…
Step into the past and read all about the ancient Greeks. What was it like to live in a Greek city? Which gods and goddesses did the ancient Grekks believe in? What food did people did eat and…
Kekuatan udara Kekaisaran Jepang memperkenalkan diri kepada dunia dengan dahsyat ketika meluluhlantahkan armada Amerika Serikat di Pearl Harbor. Para penerbang pesawat temput dan pengeboman Jepang,…
Sejak didirikan Sir Stamford pada 1819, Singapura segera menarik perhatian para pelancong. Kota itu dijadikan persinggahan sebelum mereka melanjutkan perjalanan ke wilayah Asia yang lain. Banyak ke…
Ini dongeng tentang anak lelaki bernama David, yang tersesat ke sebuah negeri di mana Snow White, Putri Tidur, dan si Tudung Merah bukanlah seperti yang kita kenal dalam buku-buku cerita. Negeri in…