Discover which tomb revealed a lost treasure, why the Tower of Pisa leans, who lived in the Forbidden City, plus many more exciting facts. Accurate illustrations and photographs create a visual f…
Discover the enchantments of Prospero, follow his daughter Miranda as she falls in love and read spellbound as you discover the treachery of his brother... As Shakespeare wrote, "such stuff as drea…
Arus peristiwa sejarah seringkali tak terlihat di antara gelombang peristiwa sehari-hari. Terkadang, sebuah peristiwa besejarah muncul ke permukaan, dan peristiwa yang terjadi pada suatu hari terte…
Aphrodite delights in helping mortals in love, but she's pretty annoyed at the constant attention she gets from the godboys at Mount Olympus Academy. When she decides to give Athena a makeover, she…
Artemis' friends and classmates see her as the most courageous goddessgirl at school. Little do they know that despite her expert archery skliis, the smelly Geryon, ring-nosed Minotaurs, and scorpi…
Hen a mortal named Heracles transfers to the Academy, Athena understands what he's going through. She started there a few months ago herself. Not only does Heracles need help fitting in, he also ha…
As Persephone's mother encourages her to do, she often "goes along to get along" instead of doing what she really wants. But when she meets Mount Olympus Academy bad-boy Hades, she finally feels sh…
What he sciencets say : 1. You can make a simple telephone using youghurt and a piece of string. 2. Sound can be sent by light signals in fibre-optic cables. 3. The cone shape of megaphone stops…
Pada Juni 1944 balatentara Sekutu mengerahkan 1.000.000 prajurit untuk merebut partai Normandia, Prancis, dari tangan Nazi Jerman. Serbuan ini, yang diberi nama Operation Overload, disebut sebagai …