It's time for rhe annual olympic games at Mount Olympus Academy and four goddessgirls are not happy-especially Artemis. Even though she's better at sports than most of the godboys, she can't compet…
Knowing what to expect when you go to middle school makes the whole experience seem a little less scary. From teachers to friends, schoolwork to homework, lockers to classroom, here's the informati…
Panduan dalam buku ini menawarkan: - Sesi-sesi reflektif tertulis dan materi untuk semua sesi pelatihan - Contoh agenda pelatihan untuk sesi pelatihan para pendidik selama satu, dua , atau tiga h…
Dalam buku stay strong ini, Terrie bercerita tentang perjalanan kariernya yang luar biasa sebagai seorang public relatiions terkenal di Amerika. Selain itu, dibaginya pula rahasia kesuksesannya itu…
Discover who signed the Magna Carta, why the Great Wall of China was built, who Genghis Khan was, plus many more exciting facts. Accurate illustrations and photographs create a visual factfinder …