Mindful Work : How meditation is changing business from the inside out
Many American comapnies, including some of our largest-such as general Mills, Ford, Target, and google - have built extensive programs to foster mindful practices among their workers. Mindful work is the first book to wxplain how all sorts of business and any kind of worker can benefited from meditation, yoga, and other mindful techniques. Mindfulness lowers stress, increases mental focus, and alleviates depression among workers. It has also benefited companies that have adopted it from the million of dollars Aetna has saved in helath-care coast to the ways patagonia has combined leadership om ots market with a persvasively mindful outlook. Mindful work offers an eye-opening tour through this new landscape and goes beyond other books on the subject by providing evidence for the practical benefits of mindfulness and showing readers how to become more mindful themselves.
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