BI Corner
Win-win management
Everyone is now familiar with the "win-win" negotiation concept. But what is win-win-win management?
Based on twenty years of management consulting experience, the author, Philippe Graff, has come to a simple conclusion. If a relationship between a manager and his staff ir to be successful in the long run, three interest must be taken into account in every decision and every action : the interest of the organisation, thise of the manager and those of the staff, the name of the game is "WIN-WIN-WIN".
While the concept is simple, its implementation is not. Yes, if managers play the win-win-win game right and treat their staff as patners, both will win, and so will the organisation.
Today, western countries don't have many option : globalisation means that competition is noe coming from places where wages may be five to ten times lower. In this context, making a patner out of every staff members is a must: together with technology, it is the only way ti counterbalance a much cheaper workplace.
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