Buku ini menggambarkan periode Perang Dunia I, dimulai dari akar penyebab perang, kompleksitas aliansi antar-negara, ketegangan politik, hingga meletusnya konflik yang mematikan. Buku ini menjelask…
Buku Better Me ini berisi kunci hidup yang dipelajari Anna Silvia untuk mengubah hidupnya dari depresi sejak kecil hingga bisa menjadi orang yang berpikiran positif dan bahagia. Buku Better Me memb…
Kaylaa nggak menyangka jika keputusan sang mama untuk menikah lagi dengan pengusaha yang hendak pensiun justru mengubah hidupnya jadi 180 derajat berbeda. Kaylaa jadi orang kaya mendadak! Tinggal …
When Violet Mackerel learn that she must have her tonsils taken out, the butterflies in her stomach feel more like rhinoceroses. But with a freezer stocked with breakfast ice cream, a wonderful n…
Being the smallest in her family, she expects she knows how the small ladybug in her garden feels. It probably has to go to bed before all the others, and whenever it finds out something interestin…
Her theory is put to the test when Mama and Vincent announce some very special news: they are going to get married. And they are all moving to a new house. Violet is excited for the wedding, but Dy…
Violet's ideas come in handy when developing plans, inventing useful theories, helping her mama at the market, digging for dinosaur bones, and sewing unusual leg warmers. But when it comes to ge…